Tuesday, September 14, 2010

History Of The Hankering

Following over sixty bus rides, twenty-four flights, and countless taxi rides (many of them haggled for), I found myself right back where I started, in Chicago, Illinois. 


What in tarnation just happened?

Long story short, I got a chance to travel around the world and I gladly accepted.  Piling all of my clothes into my trusty red Kelty backpack, I plunged headfirst into Cochin, India, located in the far southern state of Kerala.  After a couple months in the subcontinent, I showered off the dirt in ultra-modern Hong Kong, sunned myself at the beaches of Boracay, Philippines and helped myself to world-class street food in Singapore.  I partied all night in Phuket, climbed the highest peak in Peninsular Malaysia, and watched the sun go down at the temple of Borobudur, Indonesia.  Weights were lifted in Bali, trails were trekked in Nepal, and beers were drunk at a footie stadium in Melbourne.  Capping off my six month la-di-da was a few weeks of hiking around New Zealand's fiord area in the south of the island.

But the smells I smelled in India never left me.  The unbelievable tastes of Pure Vegetarian South Indian still haunted me.  My addiction to those beautiful spices and lust for eating off a banana leaf has taken over my brain.

I am the curry fiend.


  1. It was really nice to meet you in India and I'm really looking forward to some good cooking from your blog! Alas, I'm going to be without kitchen for awhile longer as I'm still on the road. Though I had some AMAZING Sri Lankan food and it's quite similar to Indian.

  2. Yes it sure is nice having a kitchen of your own. Thanks Connie! It was great meeting you too.
